- Application Fundamentals
- Key classes 중요 클래스
- - Activity
- 시각적 인터페이스를 위한 기본 클래스
- View:사용자와 Activity의 대화장소
- ContentView
- - Service
- 백그라운드
- ex)음악재생
- 실행중일때 연결(바인딩) 가능
- BroadcastReceiver
- ContentProvider
- Intent
- - Activity
- Application Components
- Activating components:intents
- shutting down components
- The manifest file
- Intent filters
- Activities and Tasks
- affinities and new tasks
- Launch modes
- Clearing the stack
- Starting tasks
- Processes and Threads
- Processes
- Threads
- Remote procedure calls
- Thread-safe methods
- Component Lifecycles
- Activity lifecycle
- Service lifecycle
- Broadcast receiver lifecycle
- Processes and lifecycles
- Key classes 중요 클래스